
What is Healing?

what is Healing ?

Date What is Healing? By formal description, the meaning of healing is broad and complex “To Heal = to restore to health or soundness. To set right; mend. To restore to spiritual wholeness. To return to health.” In psychology, mending involves “reordering a person’s sense of purpose in the macrocosm” or “the process of evolving …

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How does spiritual energy affect or improve our daily lives?

How does spiritual energy affect or improve our daily lives?

Date Spiritual energy is  veritably broad content of discussion; numerous people fail to realize the significance of energy in our diurnal lives and how it affects what we’re suitable to achieve or negotiate throughout our life. To begin I’d like to explain an important fact about energy that’s simple yet numerous feels to ignore. Every …

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facts about spirituality

facts about spirituality

Date What does Spirituality really mean? Is Spirituality distinct from religion? Why is Spirituality getting decreasingly popular and how has the term evolved and used moment from its roots? Ways of Spiritual Practices 10 Interesting Facts About Spirituality. Spirituality stands for cultures and practices that embody a vision of mortal actuality and how the mortal …

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Easy Way to Know about Good & Bad Spirituality

How do you define Spirituality? Do we have a good Spirituality and a bad Spirituality?

Date Spirituality to me is veritably introductory to life. We’re made of both matter and spirit. Our body is made up of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, etc., but our knowledge or spirit is made of joy, energy, enthusiasm, peace, happiness, and all these beautiful rates. Anything that uplifts the spirit, anything that brings further happiness, …

How do you define Spirituality? Do we have a good Spirituality and a bad Spirituality? Read More »

spirituality practice


Date The church exists in all traditions and societies. You can put your church into practice in your diurnal life through ordinary, everyday exertion. Learn about how different spiritual disciplines cultivate church, and five ways you can grow in your Spirituality Practices. LEARN WHAT SPIRITUALITY IS The church includes your spiritual practices or disciplines, including …