What is Healing?

what is Healing ?

what is Healing ?


What is Healing?

By formal description, the meaning of healing is broad and complex “To Heal = to restore to health or soundness. To set right; mend. To restore to spiritual wholeness. To return to health.”

In psychology, mending involves “reordering a person’s sense of purpose in the macrocosm” or “the process of evolving one’s personality towards lesser and more complex wholeness.”

Importance of Healing

Healing has also been defined as “the process of bringing together aspects of one’s tone, body- mind- spirit, at deeper situations of inner knowing, leading towards integration and balance with each aspect having equal significance and value.”

Heal is from the root word HAL which means holy; spiritually pure. In this we can see that healing is a birth right, not a honor for the many or the secret of shamans and other “Healers.”

Still, and, that the root of this process is HAL or to be holy; spiritually pure, If we can agree that Health = Harmony of Body- Mind- Spirit. Have we lost this birth right? Have we given our power down? Has our power been taken from us? Or is it simply our ignorance, a lack of knowledge that keeps us from the healing power we’ve within?

With physical damage or complaint suffered by an organism, healing involves the form of living towel(s), organs and the natural system as a whole and resumption of (normal) performing. Medicine includes the process by which the cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the size of a damaged or necrotic area and replace it with new living towel.

The relief can be in two ways by juvenescence in which the necrotic cells are replaced by new cells that form” like” towel as was firstly there; or by form in which injured towel is replaced with scar towel. utmost  organs will heal using a admixture of both mechanisms.


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