What’s Nadi Shodhan?
Nadi = subtle energy channel; Shodhan = cleaning, sanctification; Pranayama = breathing method.
Nadis are subtle energy channels in the mortal body that can get blocked due to colorful reasons. The Nadi Shodhan pranayama is a breathing method that helps clear these blocked energy channels, therefore calming the mind. This method is also known as Anulom Vilom pranayama.
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Causes of inhibition in the Nadis Nadi Shodhan
- Nadis can get blocked on account of stress
- toxin in the physical body also leads to blockage of nadis
- Nadis can get blocked due to physical and internal trauma
- Unhealthy life
What Happens When these Nadis are Blocked? Nadi Shodhan
Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna are three of the most important nadis in the mortal body. When the Ida Nadi isn’t performing easily or is blocked, one experiences cold, depression, low internal energy, sluggish digestion, blocked left nostril. Whereas when the Pingala Nadi isn’t easily performing or is blocked, one will witness heat, quick temper and irritation, itching body, dry skin and throat, inordinate appetite, inordinate physical or sexual energy, and blocked right nostril.
3 Reasons to Exercise Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- Nadi Shodhan pranayama helps relax the mind and prepares it to enter a pensive state.
- rehearsing it for just many twinkles every day helps keep the mind calm, happy and peaceful.
- It helps in releasing accumulated pressure and fatigue. nadi shodhana pranayama
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How to Do Nadi Shodhan pranayama?
- Sit comfortably with your chine erect and shoulders relaxed. Keep a gentle smile on your face.
- Place your left hand on the left knee, and triumphs open to the sky or in Chin Mudra (thumb and indicator finger gently touching at the tips).
- Place the tip of the indicator finger and middle finger of the right hand in between the eyebrows, the ring finger and little finger on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril. We’ll use the ring finger and little finger to open or close the left nostril and thumb for the right nostril.
- Press your thumb down on the right nostril and breathe out gently through the left nostril.
- Now breathe from the left nostril and also press the left nostril gently with the ring finger and little finger. Removing the right thumb from the right nostril, breathe out from the right.
- Breathe in from the right nostril and exhale from the left wing. You have now completed one round of Nadi Shodhan pranayama. Continue gobbling and exhaling from alternate nostrils.
- Complete 9 similar rounds by alternatively breathing through both nostrils. After every exhalation, flashback to breathing from the same nostril from which you exhaled. Keep your eyes unrestricted throughout and continue taking long, deep, smooth breaths without any force or trouble.
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Nostril Breathing method)
- Don’t force breathing, and keep the inflow gentle and natural. Don’t breathe from the mouth or make any sound while breathing.
- Don’t use the Ujjayi breath.
- Place the fritters veritably smoothly on the forepart and nose. There’s no need to apply any pressure.
- In case you feel dull and are yawning after rehearsing Nadi Shodhan pranayama, check the time you take to gobble and exhale. Your exhalation should be longer than your inhalation.
Tips While Doing Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- It’s a good idea to do a short meditation after doing Nadi Shodhan pranayama.
- This breathing method can also be rehearsed as part of the Padma Sadhana sequence.
7 Benefits of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- Excellent breathing method to calm and center the mind.
- Our mind tends to keep lamenting or glorifying history and getting anxious about the future. Nadi Shodhan pranayama helps to bring the mind back to the present moment.
- Works therapeutically for utmost circulatory and respiratory problems.
- Releases accumulated stress in the mind and body effectively and helps to relax.
- Helps harmonize the left and right components of the brain, which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality.
- Helps purify and balance the nadis- the subtle energy channels, thereby icing a smooth inflow of prana (life force) through the body.
- Maintains body temperature. nadi shodhana pranayama