A awareness Practice to Meet Tough feelings with Curiosity

A awareness Practice to Meet Tough feelings with Curiosity

A awareness Practice to Meet Tough feelings with Curiosity


Feelings with Curiosity is a helpful tool for engaging with our embodied experience, including feelings like sadness, anxiety, or any other unpleasant emotion. Explore this simple exercise to help you shift your station toward what you’re feeling.

Over the times, as I’ve studied how habits work in the brain and ways in which awareness can help, I’ve set up that curiosity is a simple tool that can help us, anyhow of language, culture and background. It can help us drop directly into our embodied experience. Curiosity helps us valve into our natural capacity for wonder and interest, putting us right in that sweet spot of openness and engagement, indeed with delicate feelings. From this state of mind, we’re more empowered to help ourselves break out of these old habit circles and make new habits of kindness and curiosity.

A awareness Practice to probe Tough feelings

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place. You can be sitting, lying down or indeed standing up. You just need to be suitable to concentrate without being detracted.
  2. Recall a recent time when you endured a delicate emotion. You might indeed be feeling it right now. It could be anxiety. It could be feeling down or sad. See if you can flash back the scene, perhaps indeed relive the experience, fastening on what you felt right at that time.
  3. Check in with your body. What sensations can you feel most explosively right now? Is it miserliness, pressure, compression? Restlessness or burning? Pressure, clinging, or heat? perhaps a hole in your stomach or a buzzing or vibration? Simply feel it and get curious. What’s utmost predominant right now?
  4. Notice where the sensation is in your body. Is it more on the right side or the left side? Is it more in the front, the middle, or the reverse of your body? Where do you feel it most explosively?
  5. Explore what differently you can feel in your body right now. However, see if you can get curious and notice what differently is there as well, If the sensation is still there. Are there other sensations you ’re feeling? What happens when you get curious about those? Do they change? What happens when you really get curious about what they feel like?
  6. Simply follow this procedure over the coming couple of twinkles. See what’s most predominant in your experience. What are the sensations? Don’t try to do anything about them. Simply observe them. Do they change when you observe them? What happens when you bring a really solid station of curiosity?
  7. It’s frequently helpful to check in with your station, to see if you’re truly being curious or trying to be curious. I find it helpful to simply check to see if my mind is going hmm. What’s passing in my body right now? as compared to trying to force myself to be curious. So whether it’s out loud or just an inner hmm, you can check from time to time to see if your mind is truly being curious or if it’s trying to be curious or allowing too much.
  8. Still, you can simply get curious about that, If you notice that you’re trying or you’re thinking. Hmm. There’s a study. Hmm. What does trying feel like in my body? Just continue this noticing for the coming couple of twinkles. And as you practice, whatever the grueling emotion is, simply get curious. Where do I feel it? Do the sensations change over time? Where do I feel the most explosively in my body?


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