Health and Fitness

Benefits of turning ourselves towards Spirituality

Benefits of turning ourselves towards Spirituality

Date These are few benefits of turning ourself towards growing Spiritually: Reduction in stress Habitual stress is harmful to both physical and inner health. We do lose sleep, have tense muscles, headaches, feel on edge, get exhausted and way to often not actually affable to be around. determined stress is dangerous for us. borrowing spiritual …

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what is डायबिटीज?

डायबिटीज क्या है? diabetes

जब हमारे शरीर के Pancreas में Insuline का Production कम हो जाता है तो खून में Glucose का स्तर बढ़ जाता है। इस स्थिति को Diabetes, मधुमेह या Sugar कहा जाता है। Insuline एक Harmone है जो कि पाचक ग्रंथि द्वारा बनता है।